Anchoring elements

Wire clamp

Anchoring elements for the connection of the partial denture with the remaining teeth have the function to attach, support, to prevent tipping movements and to guide. Most elements have an attachment and supporting function (attachment-support function).

Clamps consist of a metal wire, which ends at a point of the tooth crown below it.

Attachments consist of a stamp-like male part and an aligned, hollow, matching female part. They have an attachment and supporting function. The attachment effect depends on the friction of the parallel surfaces.
A bar is a metal rod between two artificial crowns which interlocks these. Bars can serve as movable prosthetic bases and supports (attachment, support and guiding function).

Pressure anchors work according to the press-stud principle. They consist of a male and female part. Forces working on the anchor tooth can be reduced if pressure anchors are integrated in bars or crowns are interlocked with each other.

A bar is understood as a slide or bolt at the detachable prosthesis, which the patient can push into a gap in the fixed anchor. After opening the bar, the partial prosthesis can be loosened without withdrawal force, which always occurs in active attachment elements. Bars are attachment elements with passive withdrawal force.

Telescope tooth replacement

Dual crowns (telescope crowns)
Telescope tooth replacement

Dual crowns consist of an inner crown firmly cemented on the abutment tooth (male part, primary crown) and a detachable outer crown (female part, secondary crown). They serve as connection for a partial prosthesis with the remaining teeth. Telescope crowns are dual crowns with parallel walls. The retention effect is created by the friction of these parallel surfaces. Conical crowns are dual crowns, whose primary crown is formed by conically shaped cuts in the milling device. The secondary crown is made to accurately fit the primary crown. Telescoping these two parts results in wedging and thus creates the withdrawal force. Conical crowns can be used not only to anchor detachable model cast prostheses but also removable bridges. As the prosthetic body interconnects all crowned teeth, it also works like a rail.