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MEDECO dental clinics and their connected practices (MEDECO Medical Associations) are medical service centres active in the entire field of dental and oral medicine, maxillo-facial surgery and plastic facial operations both for in-patients as well as out-patients. The MEDECO Group and the MEDECO concept were established more than 20 years ago.

In all probability, in future 30 percent of out-patient medical and dental treatment will be provided by larger centres and clinics and only 70 percent through traditional single practices; however, far more than 50 percent of out-patient turnover will accrue to these centres and clinics. This represents a great professional challenge for team workers amongst the doctors and dentists.More success and pleasure is gained through professional cooperation in a larger team. Teamwork strengthens and fulfils everybody. Teamwork means more security and durable economic success in one's profession.

Welcome to the MEDECO Group
maybe you too would like to join one of our treatment centres as a partner, junior partner or an employee?

We adhere to laws providing equality of treatment for all, even if the design restrictions on this page prevent us from distinguishing the genders. The German language is a precondition for applications.